Dr. Mukwege breaks the silence in Porto Alegre by FRONTEIRAS DO PENSAMENTO

Dr. Mukwege breaks the silence in Porto Alegre by FRONTEIRAS DO PENSAMENTO
Denis Mukwege and Marcos Rolim (clik on the picture above - part 1)

terça-feira, 27 de março de 2012


The municipalities of Ourinhos, located in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and
Bukavu, DR Congo
concluded negotiations, and signed a joint declaration of
purposes officially becoming sister towns.
The idea started taking shape in June 2010 when Dr. Denis Mukwege, founder and Director of the Panzi Hospital, came to Brazil to
participate in the “Fronteiras do Pensamento” International Seminar
Since then, the Ourinhos Mayor’s Office started conversations with the
Bukavu Mayor’s Office and the friendship links and partnership work were readily
After that, joint efforts were initiated so the declaration to be signed would
reflect the real needs and aspirations of the partners.
The final text, approved of by both Mayors, aims at implementing agreements
to promote the interchange and cooperation between the two towns, especially in
what regards the economic, educational, cultural, sports, social, and health relations.
According to the Ourinhos’ Mayor, Toshio Misato and the Bukavu’s Mayor,
Philémon Yogolelo, “the execution of the declaration is a historical milestone and the
beginning of a long lasting partnership that will bring benefits not only to the
residents of both municipalities, but also to others around the world, because we
hope this model can be replicated.”
The Mayors pointed out and also thanked for the participation of the people
who were indispensable for the success of this promising partnership, namely: Luís
Augusto Perino (Secretary of Economic Development of Ourinhos); Julien Mulakilwa
Mukamba (Finance Counselor of Bukavu); Dr. Polepole Tshomba (physician); Dr.
Denis Mukwege (Director of the Panzi Hospital) and Dr. Milton Paulo de Oliveira
To know more about the partnership between Ourinhos and Bukavu, contact:
Luis Augusto Nogueira Perino – Secretary of Economic Development
Phone:             +55 14 9762-8357                  +55 14 33021450      
E-mail: luisperino@ourinhos.sp.gov.br; luis.perino @ gmail.com
Julien Mulakilwa Mukamba – Financial Advisor
Phone:             +243 999 670876                  +243 813 638654      
E-mail: julmuk@yahoo.fr


No Coração da África Slideshow: Milton’s trip from Caracaraí, Roraima, Brasil to 2 cities Porto Alegre and Bukavu was created by TripAdvisor. See another Brasil slideshow. Create your own stunning free slideshow from your travel photos.

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